Thursday, 18 October 2007

Motivació - Motivation

Soneto Anónimo

No me mueve, mi Dios, para quererte
el cielo que me tienes prometido;
ni me mueve el infierno tan temido
para dejar por eso de ofenderte.

Tú me mueves, Señor; muéveme el verte
clavado en una cruz y escarnecido;
muéveme ver tu cuerpo tan herido;
muévenme tus afrentas y tu muerte.

Muéveme, en fin, tu amor, y en tal manera
que aunque no hubiera cielo, yo te amara,
y aunque no hubiera infierno, te temiera.

No tienes que me dar porque te quiera,
pues aunque cuanto espero no esperara,
lo mismo que te quiero te quisiera.

I am not moved, my God, to give you love
by thoughts of heaven that you've promised me;
nor am I moved by thoughts of dreaded hell
for that alone, to cease offending thee.

You are what moves me, Lord; I'm moved to see
you on a cross and mocked with every breath;
I'm moved to see your body racked with wounds;
I'm moved by your affronts and by your death.

I'm moved, in sum, by love from you so great
that I would love you were not heaven there,
and I would fear you, if there were no hell.

You need give me no prize to love you thus,
for even if what I hope I hoped not,
as I now love you I would love you still.

(©Alix Ingber, 1995)

God Holds the Key

God holds the key of all unknown,
And I am glad;
If other hands should hold the key,
Or if He trusted it to me,
I might be sad.

What if tomorrow’s cares were here
Without its rest?
I’d rather He unlocked the day;
And, as the hours swing open, say,
"My will is best."

The very dimness of my sight
Makes me secure;
For, groping in my misty way,
I feel His hand; I hear Him say,
“My help is sure.”

I cannot read His future plans;
But this I know;
I have the smiling of His face,
And all the refuge of His grace,
While here below.

Enough! this covers all my want,
And so I rest -
For what I cannot, He can see,
And in His care I safe shall be,
Forever blest.

Jo­seph Park­er (1830-1902)