Thursday, 20 December 2007

Honeymoon pictures...

Here are a few photos of our honeymoon, mainly ones of our day trip to the Samaná Peninsula in the Dominican Republic. Enjoy!

This is me snorkeling in Punta Cana... it does favour me, doesn't it? A little?

Ready for adventure

Ahem... we forgot the zoom was still on from the last picture

Ah, much better.

Not the best view... Woo-hoo, this horse is a little tipsy!

Trekking the jungle with my gentlemany husband lending a hand

Fording the river. Ahhhhhhh... cool water flooding my boots... feels good to tired feet

Our destination: Catarata del Limón. See how small the people are?

Heh, heh. Can't believe we paid 5 euros for this palm leaf hat... heh, heh.

Dani doing a beautiful job with the Catamarán

Eli trying to do the same and having to concentrate real hard

Getting in touch a again with civilization... a newspaper!!



Anonymous said...

Ohhh! How romantic!!
Enjoyed these picks... *giggles*
Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Vaya, que luna de miel mas chula no? XD esa jungla es muy bonita !!

Adasa Aeneas said...

Por fin!!!!!! Ya puedo decirlo, bien... por fin un nuevo post!!!! y ha llegado en par, encima! jajajaj eso qué quiere decir?? que ya has llenado el cupo para los siguientes dos meses??? jajjaja es broma mujer... que ya lo entiendo...

Me encantan las fotos de luna de miel, se os ve disfrutando mucho de ese paraíso y el uno del otro.. jeje... se te ve muy caribeña con la camiseta roja floreada =)

Un beso, pikiweski! otro a la miniweski!
