Monday, 11 February 2008


'Tis she that to these gardens gave
The wondrous beauty which they have;
She straightness on the woods bestows;
To her the meadow sweetness ows;
Nothing could make the river be
So crystal pure but only she;
She yet more pure, sweet, straight, and fair,
That gardens, woods, meads, rivers, are.

Therefore what first she on them spent,
They gratefully again present:
The meadow, carpets where to tread;
The garden, flowers to crown her head;
And for a glass the limpid brook,
Where she may all her beauties look;
But, since she would not have them seen,
The wood about her draws a screen.

-Andrew Marvell

This is by far my favorite Victorian portrait... It's much more beautiful when you look at the reproduction on print, rather than on the computer screen... The light looks more golden.


Adasa Aeneas said...

Me encanta ese cuadro! =)

Eliweski said...

Sí, es uno de mis favoritos... lo tengo enmarcado encima del piano!! :-)


Adasa Aeneas said...

He leido piano?? ya no me acordaba!! eso hay que verlo!!!! =) Quedará muy bonito con este cuadro encima... hhngg


Ricky said...

Dec ser cec (quin embarbussament!), perquè no te l'he vist, el quadre. La pròxima vegada ja m'hi fixaré. M'ha agradat molt, també, el quadre!!


Anonymous said...

Pero jo pensava que tenies aquell quadre d'un paisatge i un llac a sobre el piano!
Very pretty indeed... *sigh* And the poem is beautiful.

Eliweski said...

No, a sobre del piano, vull dir a sobre del piano físicament, és un quadre petit que està posat sobre la tapa del piano!! Jejejjee...

Marc-Daniel said...

Sometimes reading these poems and seeing these portraits, I wish I had lived in Victorian times...